1. 05. French Non Fiction Encyclopédie de la Grèce antique / by Chisholm, Jane. Publication: [Saint-Lambert, Québec] : Héritage Jeunesse, 2008 . 144 p. : , "Avec liens Internet". | Comprend un index. | Traduction de: The Usborne Internet-linked encyclopedia of ancient Greece. 29 cm. Date:2008 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions:
2. 01. English Non Fiction Greek myths and legends / by Evans, Cheryl. Publication: London : Usborne Pub., 1985 . 64 p, : , Cover title: Usborne illustrated guide to Greek myths and legends. | Includes index. | On spine: Highgate Press. 25 cm. Date:1985 Availability: Copies available: (1), Actions: